Friday, December 11, 2009

Cherry~ 魔咒

很多人说来纽西兰,除了要做Kiwifruitseasonal work ,还一定要做Cherry!不然就算是白来了!

也有人说,做cherry还可以赚很多很多钱, 大富大贵(是我自己夸张了一点。哈!)!

还有人很没志气地说,如果自己手脚慢,不能赚得风生水起,也可以一边做一边吃, 也算是捞了一笔!(据说cherry是水果界里的千金,很贵哦!)

更有人可以为了只有短短一个月的cherry season (这算是相当短暂的seasonal work),宁愿换宿也不找新工,等待cherry仔长大,然后才飚过去赚钱!

明明是12月尾才有cherry工作,91号开放报名,2号就听说很多orchard 名额已满,下次请早!(我个人因为在朋友的唆使和妖言惑众下,在831号晚上就已把resume寄出去给很多orchard报名!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!paisehkiasu到。。。可以考虑搬去新加坡做公民了!)

但我报名,只是要找份工而已,可以赚钱就好!我还是不明白Cherry 仔为何要如此大的魅力,可以把几乎所有的backpackers都引来cromwell一带(这里是最多cherry仔的地方)!就连我也在这里!哈!我只可以说cherry有股魔咒!

我为了cherry,也可以说是一波三折。11月收到cherry公司的email就放弃收入也相当不错的courgette & strawberry仔!大老远从北岛开到南岛,原来是叫我先做不能赚大钱的peach & nectarine thinning。然后,有少少的cherry熟了,才可以偶尔做些packing!现在另一家又叫我去做cherry,但不是做我申请的sorting,而是picking!可能迟些才能做sorting。。。真的是魔咒啊!

总之不管cherry有多好吃或能让我赚多少钱!我只知道这是我在纽西兰的最后一份工了,也就是说我离mamak stallshopping malltraffic jam & Malaysia 越来越近了!YEAH!!!

为了保护cherry 仔的安全,老板还请了很多枪手在orchard射小鸟!


就是她!让大家强破头的cherry仔!不过,我还算是幸运的啦!那么多人抢而且通常要到ChristmasBoxing day26th Dec)才能做的cherry,我现在就能很它近距离接触,也算不错了啦!


Thursday, December 3, 2009


1. 到了NZ,要申请些什么?
首先应该为自己办张SIM card,通常是用vodafone(有很多配套:txt2000,free weekend…)但打电话很贵!有或者可以选择新公司2degreetxt call 相对便宜。这样才方便找工或办理一些申请。
记得一定要办张BBH card, 这是一张backpacker hostels 的会员卡(还是张电话卡哦!)。有了这张卡,住宿才有折扣!而且旅行时还能拿到很多优惠!

你也可以在来NZ前办张YHA,大概RM40。来NZ 才办要花40NZD哦!(但我很少用YHA,因为住宿比较贵,通常是用BBH!)

2. 该办的重要事项有哪些?
当然是先找工啦!你可以在还没到NZ前就send email问有没有工, 到了NZ就看看hostel notice board 或问问背包客有没有工作可以介绍。
在你等工的当儿,你最好是先到post office IRD 申请个IRD number以便报税,如没IRD no.,可能你就拿不到薪水或需缴很高的税哦!通常要等10-14个工作天才能拿到IRD no.,所以要赶紧办!(居无定所,地址就随便填你住的hostel就可以了,然后再拜托hostel staff免费把信寄到新的住所或打电话给IRD问你的IRD no. 就可以了!)。

之后你必须为自己办个bank account, 这样你工作后才能第一时间领到薪水!较为普遍的银行有:ANZ, BNZ ASB

3. 办了手续后,该做些什么?
手头比较宽裕的人可以考虑买车。一般二手车价格为NZD1000-NZD3000。可以到car market 直接选车,或到hostelcyber café notice board backpacker卖车的“广告”,看到不错的车,可以联络车主出来让你试车谈价钱( 通常你会看到价钱旁有O.N.O,意思是or near offer 该注意车子的WOF有没有过期(WOFwarrant of fitness, 每半年就必须送车子去检查,价钱大概是NZD30,也就是看那部车“fitfit”安不安全!)之后再看看车子的Registration到期了没,renew registration 的价钱要看你renew 多久了,价钱大概从几十到两百纽币左右




5. 接下来呢?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

WHS 渡假打工

New Zealand Working Holiday Website 选自己国家的scheme 然后填妥相关表格,在缴NZD120.00 就可以了。

1. Have a Malaysian passport that’s valid for at least 3mnths after your planned departure from NZ. (This is a must la!)
2. 18-30years old (他们只要年轻人啦!身强体壮!而且也只有我们还有时间从头再来。。。)
3. 不能带小孩一起来!(哈!)
4. At least have NZD2500 or show them your return ticket (怕我们来这里跳飞机啦!如你没那么多钱,也可以打你家人的主意,只要证明有人sponsor 就可以了!哈!)
5. 符合NZ health and character requirements. (没病没案底!要干干净净哦!)
6. 要以渡假第一,打工第二为目的!(不要在custom 就露出很爱钱的样子!要演要演!)
7. 之前没被批准以WHSNZ混过。。。 (这是一生只能在NZ做一次的事!)
Can you find me?! I got 道具的!I am the girl who holding the Mandarin Orange! The backpackers here are all Asian: Malaysian, Taiwanese, Japanese and Korean...

****最重要的就是要有一个豁出去的心!Open Mind and Open Heart!!!可能你会犹豫担心:
1.我是大学生或白领阶级咧! (我遇到一个女生,她之前在做pruning(户外工辛苦指数前3),现在在winery卖酒,晚上还要去当Waitress。但她原本在英国是位Lawyer…)    
2.我辛辛苦苦累积的工作经验, 要我这样就放弃,从头再来咩?!(有个男生,近30岁了还到处旅游打工,问他会不会担心将来的前途?他说他有医生执照,回国后再找工就好了。豁达man…  >.<
3.爬的Corporate ladder还蛮高的,薪水也不错咧!(这里还有人可以把之前工作的公司股票卖掉,就可以12年不愁吃穿,月薪至少马币5位数咧。。。他也不是跟我一样被“风吹雨打”,赚着血汗钱!哈!)
5.我很high fashion 的咯!去NZ 打工不是要穿Gump boots, raincoat, stupid uniform?! (当你看到这里的日本女生去个超市穿得好像要去Tokyo街头逛街一样,你就不会心里不平衡了。。。而且不一定每份工作都会穿得丑丑的!)
8.我不放心把我的darling一个人留在国内咧!搞不好会分手咧!(这里打回国,NZD2.00可以讲2 个小时!还有一些人,还有人把未婚夫留在国内,自己过来看世界咧!才几个月也经不起考验咩?)
10.我干麻要那么辛苦?!毕了业,现在乖乖做office工,存够钱了再旅行不就好了?!(我干麻要乖乖顺着一般的生活方式?!我现在有能力赚然后taste the life,拍得照也是年年轻轻的,不好吗?为何一定要等比较老了才旅行,花钱,享受才叫比较实际,比较会想?!)
11.我怕我吃不起苦... (傻咩?!我跟业建都可以挨得过来,你也一定行的啦!业建hor?!)

我不是在这里hard sell WHS 啦!只是要告诉那些很想要来但又犹豫不决的人,你既然想要来了,就不要扭扭捏捏!怕肮脏啦!嫌工作辛苦啦!来到NZ,你担心的问题都会迎刃而解的。而那些真的放不下,也不能说服自己来体验新生活的人,就真的不要过来,因为你来了也不能真正享受,总担心你做的决定是不是错的。。。那又何必呢?>.<  Cheers!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What are you doing there?!

It has been a long time, still, people always asking me the same question: WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE?! WHERE ARE YOU?! STUDYING OR WORKING? Some even think that my job is SOLELY TRAVELING AROUND 傻咩?!我怎么可能找到那么完美的工作?! 要做工赚钱的咧! 大个女咯!

And I have been also answered 193 times (maybe more than that?! Haha!) to explain what am I doing actually… So now, to make everything simple, I am here to write something for those who concern about me or curious about my life…

I am actually participating Working Holiday Scheme (WHS) in New Zealand.From the name of the scheme, u can easily know that this program is for the candidate to work and travel in NZ. Thru this scheme, I am now experiencing the the most bitter and sweetest time in my life. By holding this visa, we can easily be employed as the seasonal worker (picker, packer, grader, hospitality worker and etc…). Please do not expect that you’ll be treated as a white collar executive in your country. Backpackers here must be mentally well prepared to work as a blue collar for our ultimate goal: MONEY to TRAVEL. Then by using the money we earned, we can travel anywhere as we wish and enjoy the most amazing moment in our life time… (Believe me, it is indeed a hard work, but, the sceneries and the activities here definitely will not disappoint you! No matter how hard we have been through, is just worth it!)
WHS official website: 

Yeah! This was my front side of the "uniform" and my slogan: Money! Money!!

And my back side of the uniform: Fox Glacier, Jetboating, Skydiving, Queenstown, Skiing and etc…. This is where my motivation comes from…  (Who took this picture?! can’t see clearly leh!)
Through this scheme, I grow up to be a better me (physically and mentally). I can now easily adapt to any circumstance (as long as I know what my goal is…). I learned to take care of myself: cooking, budgetary planning, finding jobs and accommodations, turning strangers into friends, appreciate and respect others culture… So, I can’t tell you what I am exactly doing everyday (because backpackers just like nomads), we do change jobs frequently according to the fruit season: Grape, Kiwifruit, Mandarin Orange, Strawberry, Blueberry, Cherry, Peach, Apple… other jobs: Wine maker, Accommodation Exchange, Ski workers, and many farm jobs, but I personally do not reckon it (farm helper) is a good job for me la! Ha!

All in all, my job is to do “whatever job” i found and then experience and enjoys every moment of my life. Live like a traveler who is exploring the world and life. Yes, that is what I am doing now…Cheers!

Make sure there is always one thing that will let you say"WOW" everyday (too hard?! One week then!) Don’t let Work to lead You! Let You to lead the Life!
p/s: What to know more about WHS and NZ?! To be continued……

Monday, November 9, 2009


Period: 20 September 2009 to 03 October 2009
14 days of travelling. Travelled 2800 km. Stayed at 11 different hostels.

Ashburton → Lake Tekapo → Wanaka → Arrowtown →Queenstown →Te Anau → Milford Sound →Wanaka → Mount Cook →Lake Tekapo →Christchurch →Kaikoura → Blenhiem →Nelson →Picton →Wellington →Taupo →Auckland.

Activities that we tried:
Skydiving, Trekking, Jet boating, Snow War, Cruising, Trial Flight, Wine Tasting, Bungy Jumping (William).

First we stopped at Lake Tekapo for our luxury lunch (considered my most expensive lunch in NZ=$25)...Sob sob… KOHAN, the food is not so special… I think it is expensive because they got the very fresh Salmon…

Then we passed by the Lake Pukaki, saw the best scenery that I’ve ever seen…

Heading to Lake Wanaka Puzzle World and then Lake Wanaka which was too windy for me… not feeling well, so have an early bed and ready for our biggest adventure activity the next day~ SKIDIVING!!!

SKYDIVING! To Do or Not To Do?!To Regret or Not To Regret?! My biggest achievement in NZ! 12,000 feet + Video + Pictures + Unforgettable memory = $ 470.00 LOVE IT!~

AJ Hackett~ 1st bungy site in the world! 43meters… Really scary! Too bad that my friends couldn’t touch the water as they wished… as the company said: Water Touching is not guaranteed… cheh…

Arrowtown was a gold mining town… so peaceful and beautiful, spent our evening time by trekking along the river… (I just heard that this river was one of the scenes for the Fellowship of the Ring!)

Queenstown is a crazy town. Noisy and busy. U can find almost all the adventurous activities here. I personally don’t really like here… By the way, we have our 360°spin Jet boating here… not so exciting as we thought and it cost $109 per person…

We heard that somewhere near Remarkable ski field was snowing, so we drove up to the mountain! WOWOWO! My 1st snow experience…

Arrived at the “eighth wonder of the world”~ Milford Sound. Seen the beauty of waterfalls and Mitre peak… I think this was the scene background for LOTR too lo…

Back to Wanaka for Trial Flight (because Queenstown trial flight was fully booked)! But luckily the Wanaka’s service and experience did not disappoint us! $99 only!

Mount Cook… What can I say?! It was SPECTACULAR! But we were a little bit tired to take more pictures… Too much postcard pictures we’ve taken in past few days… Feeling numb (not show off, really can’t appreciate too much nice sceneries at one time… overloaded…)

Lake Tekapo again, this time for the world highest salmon farm… The salmon was really cheap n fresh…… speechless…

Heading to Christchurch to visit friends and Kaikoura to visit Seal again… then we drove straight to the Blenhiem for the free wine tasting and cellar door visit!

A little bit drunk after tasting more than 10 glasses of fabulous wine… haha! more than 100 wineries there…

Lord of the Ring~Nelson Jens Hansen, where the world famous RING was made for the greatest movie… This is just for display, not for sale (I can’t afford it anyway).

He is Jens Hansen!

Taupo Bungy~~ 47 meters, and William was able to touch the water! (We preferred the bungy here because they are pro in water touching and the service is friendly!) Thx to William for doing this last stunt as the full stop of our journey… Jump + Video + Pictures + adrenaline excitement = $189.00!

Bravo! We enjoyed to plan our journey as our wish, go and stop wherever places that we wanted to… unlike tourists who have to follow the tour, wake up early in the morning, spend most of the time in the bus, can’t stay longer at the place that they like… I think this trip has given me the courage for my next backpacker trip! No more worries and hesitation to travel by myself… so can I call myself a TRAVELLER from now on?! Hahaha!

Lastly, thx to the AGQ101 for being so sensible, never throw a temper or break down on the road! MUAKS!

Monday, November 2, 2009


No matter how far i go;
how many steps i took;
how many places i went;
how many pairs of shoes i wore;

starting to missing u, Malaysia...
missing the busyness;
missing the cuisine;
missing the city;
missing the people;
missing the shopping malls;
missing the night life;
missing the traffic jam........

Now i just want to go home...

Friday, October 23, 2009

No pain No gain...

Finally i have finished my travel in New Zealand.
Now have to work hard and earn money!!!! Missed the travel moment so much...
Now have to wake up early and work very hard, but i'll push myself to work work and work for the next station...
Because No pain No gain...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

For UM debate team...



Saturday, October 10, 2009

Please call me CAPTAIN! Haha!

Another Challenge!!!! ! Flying an AEROPLANE!!!!!

WOWOWOWOWOWOooooooo! This was real fun, man! Such a unique and wonderful experience! Is hard to imagine I can fly the plane up to the sky and land safely by my own self! Unbelievable!!!

By the way, we managed to bring our friends up to the sky to shoot the pictures and video for us! Thx to Sanny and Hui!

This is the flight training center in Wanaka! Superb! The staff is friendly and is cheaper than the Queenstown flight center…

This is William’s dream~~ to fly an aeroplane. Congratulations Captain LEE!!

William was doing good! Happy happy!

Incredible views

Well done! Captain Lee!

Now is my turn!! Nervous nervous…

Yeah! Successfully flew into the sky! Please call me Captain Pang!

The guy was nice and patient, we able to flew the aeroplane for 20-30mins all by ourselves…

The alp seems like so close to us!

Ya! Now I believe I can fly!

Good landing! Nice and safe! Hehe…

Thx to Sanny for believing in me and risk your life to be my photographer… muaks!

Bravo for ZK-DEB, William and myself!

Awesome experience! Everyone should try this once in their life time… Muaks!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Still travelling, still exploring...

Don't think about tomorrow, just enjoy the moment we having right now...

In the end, it doesn't matter how many breaths u take, but how many moments took your breath away...